Carnegie Mellon University

Entrepreneurship Resources

Find articles about everything related to entrepreneurship.

Apply to Project Olympus (CMU's Startup Incubation Program)
Business Concept Template Application

Entrepreneurship 101 [.pdf]

Intro to Startups

CONNECTs & Start Smarts

CMU Entrepreneurship Research Guide

Penn State Law Legal Clinic

  • Penn State Law offers free legal services to entrepreneurs in Pennsylvania through its two legal clinics. Visit the clinic websites for more information and to request their services.

  • Penn State Law Entrepreneur Assistance Clinic

    Provides a variety of free legal services to any entrepreneur or small business in PA, including advice on business/entity formation, founder agreements, employee management, and compliance with regulatory requirements. To apply for services, fill out the intake form HERE

  • Penn State Law Intellectual Proprty Clinic

    Provides entrepreneurs free assistance to determine if they have intellectual property and how to protect it. If you wish to seek intellectual property assistance (trademark, patents, etc.), the only way for prospective clients to meet with the IP Clinic is to fill out the IP Application for Services form and book a time using the links below: 


This is a comprehensive resource map of regional resources for startups and small companies created by Catalyst Connection: It has links to resources in the following categories: Community Support Organizations, Human Capital, Sources of Capital and Funding, Technology & Product Introduction, and Commercialization.

Pitching & Fundraising

Getting Media Coverage

Startup & Co-Working Spaces

Listing of space that is ‘friendly’ to startups and small enterprises (low rent and month-to-month leases) most that are close to the ‘university corridor’ (Fifth and Forbes Avenues) and accessible by public transportation.

Please send any additions to the listings to

PGH Startup & Co-Working Spaces [.pdf]

Intellectual Property

Articles and information regarding intellectual property and its importance

Splitting the Equity Pie

Compensation & Equity

35 Resources for Entrepreneurs (Purdue Global)

This article contains a wealth of entrepreneur resources available to help you grow your own business. It includes resources for funding, grant opportunities for small business owners, support organizations for entrepreneurs, as well as helpful websites, podcasts, books, and more.

TechCompassPGH Resources 

The mission of Tech Compass PGH is to ensure that all Pittsburghers can find what they need to thrive.

This portal will connect new learners, seasoned technologists and entrepreneurs of all backgrounds to the various resources and trainings they need to succeed in our local tech economy. Tech Compass PGH is the most comprehensive catalog of skills-training opportunities in our region.

Click the RESOURCES TAB to get moving in the right direction for you!

Manufacturing Bootcamp Resource 

Innovation Works is a NextCorps Manufacturing Accelerator Partner. We’ve adapted NextCorps curriculum into IW's Manufacturing Bootcamp which covers all the steps and documentation a hardware startup must develop in order to successfully manufacture their product. This curriculum is free and open to the public!

Check out this resource! 

Other Resources

NOTE: While these have been good resources for many startups, CMU does not own or manage the content of all of these.